FAQs for New Students
Frequently Asked Questions
I have been admitted to the University of Arkansas as a pre-nursing student. Does this mean I am also admitted to the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing?
No. During the time students are working on their prerequisite courses for the nursing school, they are considered to be pre-nursing. Admission into the two years of professional coursework is competitive, much like medical or law school. Not every student admitted as pre-nursing will make it into the nursing school.
My major is something other than pre-nursing, but I have decided I want to be a nurse. What do I do?
A student wishing to change their major to pre-nursing and pursue our program should reach out to the academic advisor listed in their student profile or contact the college's Boyer Center for Student Services at bcss@uark.edu or 479-575-4203.
What happens if I am not admitted?
From the outset, we encourage students to have a backup plan. This might include having a second choice of nursing school and applying to both, having a minor to work on while you try to raise your grade-point average or even having a full second major in mind. Many students not admitted on their first application do apply again.
The degree check sheet says "Any Chemistry with Lab." Which chemistry should I take?
The nursing program requires students to take either CHEM 10703/1071L Fundamentals of Chemistry or CHEM 11003/1101L University Chemistry I. These classes are geared to students in science-related fields and prepare students for upper-division biology and nursing courses that utilize a chemistry background. The nursing school will not accept CHEM 10503/1051L Chemistry in the Modern World. This course is designed for students not majoring in a science-related field and does not work as a prerequisite for BIOL 20103/2011L Microbiology or BIOL 22103/2211L Human Physiology.
What classes count for Social Sciences and Fine Arts/Humanities?
Please refer to the State Minimum Core (formerly called the University Core List) in the University Catalog for the required 9 hours of Social Sciences, 3 hours of Humanities and 3 hours of Fine Arts.
What are electives? Where can I find a list?
Electives are courses used to round out the 120 hours required for graduation and are generally not specified in our program, except for the suggestion of BIOL 15403/1541L, which is a prerequisite for Microbiology and Anatomy, and is encouraged for students taking those classes at the U of A. Otherwise, electives can be any other course the university offers. There is no master list. Some students pursue a foreign language, some students work on a minor, some take prerequisites for other schools, and some take classes that otherwise interest them. The choice of classes to fill these hours is up to you.